Evaluate episodes

evaluate_episodes(episode_length = NULL, threshold = 10)



a table returned by characterise_episodes()


numeric scalar threshold number of days to use in calculation


a table of the same form as episode_length() but with failing episodes removed and placed into the invalid_records attribute


Determines which months are invalid based on a low contribution of data. This is based upon the long term daily average for admissions. Days that fall below 2 SD of the long term mean are flagged. If more than the threshold number of flagged days occur in a single month, then the month is invalidated and removed from further analysis.

This procedure removes episodes that occur during particularly sparse periods (as this is likely that these months are contributing poor data) and return only episodes that have a logical consistency in non-sparse months. The analyst should consider if the denominator for the number of study months should be changed following the use of this function.